“Sometimes you stumble into something out of a sense of duty or good intentions only to find yourself absorbed and overwhelmed beyond anything you might have anticipated..."
Shawn Levy, The Oregonian (read more:)
Craig Comstock, Huffington Post
"A Breathtaking profile in courage..."
Norm Stamper, Huffington Post
"..Powerfully positive and brimming with hope..."
David Templeton, The Pacific Sun
"An elegant film, exquisitely paced, and deeply respectful.
Nancy Wozny A+C Houston
"Everyone in America should see this."
Vickie Aldous, Ashland Daily Tidings
"'The Welcome' should be viewed in every community across this nation....."
Shad Meshad, Founder, National Veterans Foundation (March 25, 2011: read more)
"This film captures both the beauty of the setting and the beauty of people working together to help heal the souls of our Veterans and their loved ones. We are brought into the process as witnesses of the power of community to heal. I had tears in my eyes throughout this film. It celebrates the resiliency of the human spirit, never shrinking from the psychological horrors of war."
Judith Broder, M.D., Founder /Chair, The Soldiers Project
"The documentary film, ‘The Welcome’ left me sitting stunned and crying in my chair. I literally could not move. I found myself in an intimate relationship with veterans through the film, reengaging and enlarging my humanity. I felt alive and sense that my wholeness depends in part upon my response to veterans and their service."
Intersections International, Rev. Scott Thompson
"The film itself is an intimate and inside look at the experience of veterans and their attempts to heal. Perhaps the serene retreat setting a vital balm for the torrent of feelings. Perhaps the facilitation and emphasis on the overlooked dynamic and importance of a process of ‘return’. Perhaps it is the openness and willingness of the veterans to share with each other. Perhaps the vehicle of poetry as a path to healing. Perhaps the veteran’s finding of their gift and voice and sharing it with civilians. Perhaps being witnessed by a civilian community. Through watching ‘The Welcome’ you are provided an invitation to be part of this healing of veterans, aware that your own healing is intimately related.
It stirred in me a call to re-enlist as a citizen and become the civilian that soldiers need for their return.
Thank you Bill, Kim and The Welcome Home Project. Our work has begun."
Scott Thompson, Director of Social Dialogue/Founder - Veteran - Civilian Dialogue, Intersections, International, New York City
"Our Board thinks this film is an invaluable education for those who do not have contact with serving troops, as well as a source of support for those of us who deal with the aftermath of these wars on a daily basis."
Board of Directors, Military Families Speak Out
"Love and respect, honor and reconciliation, healing and wisdom are on view here. As "The Welcome" shows, you will be moved and transformed in the listening and in service to our nation's healing."
Edward Tick, Ph.D., Author, WAR AND THE SOUL, Director, Soldier's Heart
"Returning Veterans Project, NW: "The healing in this film is already palpable. It will help those veterans who were never asked what happened to them as well as those of us who didn't really want to know. It will speak to the children raised in households where the pain of war is only spoken in screaming nightmares, fights and drinking binges, and it will inspire civilians around the country to show their concern and to honorably welcome all of the men and women troops as they return home."
Shannon Pernetti, Board of Returning Veterans Project NW
"I was blown away..."
Steve Maieli, Transitioning Veteran
"A joy and inspiration to watch.."
The Argus Currier, Petaluma, CA
Mike Francis, Oregon At War Blog, Oregonian
Marc Leepson, The Veteran, Vietnam Veterans of America.(4/12/11)-