This Resource list was compiled by Dr. Ray Scurfield, University of Southern Mississippi - Many thanks to him and the many others who put this incredibly comprehensive list together (I have edited it some for brevity)
War Trauma Resources for Military, Veterans & Families
DOD and governmental resources:
America Supports You ( [“Department of Defense program dedicated to communicating citizens’ support to the men and women serving in our Armed Forces and their families.
*Battlemind Telephone Support Groups: Free confidential telephone support groups are one hour, one time a month for 12 months. Spouses learn ways to manage stress and solve problems related to reintegration, education about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury and other common problems. For information or to enroll: contact Spouse Battlemind at 1-800-636-8262 x7485 or
*National Resource Directory ( Comprehensive online partnership for wounded, ill and injured service members, vets, their families and those who support them: maintainedby the DOD, Labor and VA. This is an amazing resource page.
*Resources for Military Children Affected by Deployment (
images/Deployment%20A%20Compendium%20of%20Resources.pdf) [Compilation by U.S. Army Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Command, Children and Youth Services. January, 2008. Includes links to books for children, deployment kits for children and families, deployment/resources for parents and staff, and websites for children, parents and teachers]
*U.S. Veterans Corps ( USVC Objective: To aid local Veterans, Reservist, National Guard, and Active Duty servicemen and women.
*VA Vet Centers -
*VA Suicide Prevention Hotline. If you are a veteran in emotional crisis and need help immediately, call this toll-free number, 1-800-273-8255, available 24/7, and tell them you are a veteran. All calls are confidential.
*National Center for PTSD ( Lots of easy to read information and includes the PILOTS data base—the world’s largest data base regarding war trauma and post-traumatic stress.
State Departments of Veterans Affairs
*Washington State DVA ( and click on PTSD/War Trauma Program)
*New Jersey State Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
( (Counseling Hotline: 1-866-VETS-NJ4)
*Illinois State Department of Veterans Affairs (
*Texas Veterans Commission (
Surfing the Web: Other Information & Resources
*Aftermath of War ( A support website designed to offer help and the opportunity to make friendships for youth who have had a parent or guardian return from war.
*Air Force Wives ( [“A place for Air Force Wives from all over to come to meet and support each other.”
*American Combat Veterans of Wars ( If you or someone you know may be suffering from post traumatic stress as a result of combat, call us now at 858.552.7501. Warrior’s 24 hour Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800.273.8255.
*American Veterans With Brain Injuries (
*American Widow Project (; 1.877-297-9436). An emphasis on healing through sharing stories, tears and laughter . . . Military Widow to Military Widow. E-mail us anytime at
*An On-Line College Guide for Veterans - Great resource for on-line degrees
*Any Soldier []. “Want to send your support to a Soldier in harm's way, but have no idea of what to send, who to send it to, or how to send it?”
* Young Army Wives website ( Lists several other sites specifically for military wives. Lots of choices.
*ArtReach Foundation ( and ArtReach Project America ( Through a unique program using expressive arts and creative problem solving, children are offered the tools necessary to heal and live productive lives.
*(the) Band of Mothers ( “We are dedicated in our mission to Step Up, Stand Up and Stick Up For Our Soldiers. Goals: To Proudly Seek, Garner and Nurture Support for our Soldiers.”
*Bob Woodruff Foundation ( “The vision of the Bob Woodruff Foundation is to provide resources and support to injured service members, veterans and their families”
*Blue Star Mothers ( Founded in 1942 by Mothers who had a son (or daughter) deployed. Major support for vets, other families, cool organization.
*Blue Star Mothers of America ( See also Blue Star Dads. We are mothers who now have, or have had, children honorably serving in the military.
*Brain Injury Association of USA ( ... is the leading national organization serving and representing individuals, families and professionals who are touched by a life-altering, often devastating, traumatic brain injury (TBI).
* (; 1795 Johnson Ferry Road, Marietta, GA 30062; 770.977.7473) Mission: work to improve the ability of the civilian mental health infrastructure in the State of Georgia, then nationally, to work with military family members; facilitate connecting military families to providers of spiritual and psychological services familiar with the military culture and trauma.
*Children of Vietnam Veterans [excellent key words for Web search; see also]
*Christian Military Wives (
*Combat Stress Research list serve (; see also: “This is the new site of the Combat Stress Injury list started in 2004 at Florida State University to facilitate communication among researchers and practitioners. This Group will, in addition, contain relevant files and pages, in addition to an email exchange list.”
*Coming Home Collaborative ( [Veteran’s Ministry Coming Home Collaborative]. [“The Coming Home Collaborative is an open and growing volunteer association of people who are concerned with the psychological and spiritual healing of veterans, especially those currently re-integrating with their families and communities .
*Community of Veterans ( [On-line community exclusively for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans.]
*Coming Home Project ( SF based program for returning OIF and OEF Vets and families. Retreats, caregiver support, family support. Great group.
*Daughters of Vietnam Veterans International OR Daughters of Vietnam Veterans ( Laura Milczanowski). [“To help organize and network Daughters and Sons of Vietnam Veterans from America, Canada, Australia, Vietnam, and New Zealand.
*Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center ( )
*Deployed Military Family Support ( [This page is a resource to support family members of those who have been deployed, sent on remote assignments or are on extended temporary duty.
*DET 3 Foundation ( [“The DET 3 Foundation purpose is to provide direct support to combat troops from the U.S. Army and the United States Marine Corps.
*Echo Rock Therapy Center - ( Mill Valley, CA. The center offers free LENS (Low Energy Neurofeedback Systems) treatment to vets living with PTSD and TBI.
*Employer Support for Guard & Reserve ( ... to promote cooperation and understanding between Reserve component members and their civilian employers and to assist in the resolution of conflicts arising from an employee's military commitment.
*Fallen Patriot Fund ( [“The Fallen Patriot Fund of The Mark Cuban Foundation was established to help families of U.S. military personnel who were killed or seriously injured during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
*Families United ( [“Families United supports America's Gold and Blue Star families through social gatherings, educational programs, charitable support, and patriotic activities.
*Family Caregivers ( [“Welcome to the Family Caregiving 101 Web site. If you're caring for a loved one who is ill or disabled, this site was created for you. It's a great place to find assistance, answers, new ideas and helpful advice — for you and your loved one.”]
*Farmer – Veteran Coalition. ( [“Farmers helping veterans; veterans helping farmers.” helps returning veterans find jobs, training and places to heal on America’s farms.
*Fisher House ( donates "comfort homes," built on the grounds of major military and VA medical centers [to] enable family members to be close to a loved one at the most stressful times - during the hospitalization for an unexpected illness, disease, or injury.
* ( A one-stop online resource for military family members.
*Freedom is not Free ( [“Aiding Wounded Troops, their Families and the Families of the Fatally Wounded .
*Gift from Within ( ...a non-profit organization dedicated to those who suffer post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), those at risk for PTSD, and those who care for traumatized individuals.
*Give to the Troops [Give2TheTroops] [“Supports deployed U.S. troops with loving care packages and letters from all over the nation.”]
*Grace After Fire ( A web site for women vets helping women vets.
*Grief and Support Resources for Military Widows, Family Members, and Loved Ones
( members-and-loved-ones/)
*Hand 2 Hand Contact (www.hand2hand advocates for our servicemembers and veterans. Written materials include: “Bringing the soldier all the way home” Excellent site includes written materials on such topics as: Why Military Love Relationships Are Different; How to Prepare for Going to Iraq; Military Oath of Enlistment; Why US Flag Etiquette Matters; Ten Things You Should Know; Ten Tough Facts About Combat; What Is A Warrior?; What Can I Do to be Truly Supportive of Returning Veterans?; Warning Signs, Triggers and Coping Strategies for Iraqi War Veterans (co-written by me and Kathy Platoni)
*Healing Combat Trauma ( Lily Casura’s page/blog - an incredible resource by a tireless advocate for vets and families. Check this one out!
*Heart Beat For Warriors [] [“Heartbeat—Serving Wounded Warriors offers equine-assisted therapy through our program, Back in the Saddle Warriors.
*Hire a Hero ( [“In 2006 the Armed Forces Support Foundation (501(c)(3) was created, along with Hire A Hero, to provide free employment services to returning service members and their families.
*Homes for Heroes ( ...provides patient advocates, identifies and funds educational opportunities for injured military, coordinates specialty counseling (financial assistance, career, housing, etc.), and assists with emergency funding needs as deemed appropriate.”
*Homes for Our Troops ( It is our duty and our honor to assist severely injured Servicemen and Servicewomen and their immediate families by raising donations of money, building materials and professional labor and to coordinate the process of building a home that provides maximum freedom of movement and the ability to live more independently.
* (to raise funds for Injured Marines and their families)
*Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) ( On-line social network exclusively for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. Huge resource for OEF and OIF Vets.
*Iraq War Veterans Organization (IWVO) ( Great, very comprehensive website.
* (to give financial aid to those needy and deserving families whose servicemember was killed in action).
*Laptops For the Wounded ( [“Laptops for the Wounded is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that provides laptops with webcams to wounded troops in military hospitals.
*Marine Parents ( [founded “in response to parents' needs to find information and to Connect & ShareTM with one another during deployments.
*Military Care Packadges - Sending Smiles Overseas. Send a care package to someone who is deployed overseas, whether in a war zone or keeping the peace somewhere else.
*Military and Family Life Consultants (MFLCs) ( 1.800.646-5613. Provide direct non- medical counseling and education regarding daily life stressors related to deployment and reintegration to Service members and families.
* Military Help Line ( A part of the Oregon Partnership working with the military - it is a resource for military service members, veterans and their
families (888-HLP-4-VeT)
A resource for severely injured vets and families.
*Military Officers American Association ( MOAA is the nation's largest and most influential association of military officers. It is an independent, nonprofit, politically nonpartisan organization.
*Military Space, Inc. ( was started by two (prior) enlisted service members who saw a need for a website that attempted to bring together lots of resources for taking care of our deployed service members and their families.
*Military Spouse ( [on-line site related to Military Spouse magazine. Includes 24,000+ military spouses in the military spouse community.
*Military Spouse Corporate Career Network (MSCCN). ( [The Military Spouse Corporate Career Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides employment referral and job placement solutions to military spouses, war wounded, and caregivers of war wounded, and veterans and transitioning military.
*Military Teens on the Move [MTOM Sitemap] [Web site developed by military kids for military kids.
*Military Wives Network ( [This site was created as an overall juncture for the various sites in the network to help “many make it through the lonely nights and the seemingly endless days of separation.”
*Military Writers Society of America ( [“We are an association of more than eight-hundred authors, poets, and artists, drawn together by the common bond of military service. Most of our members are active duty military, retirees, or military veterans.
*The Mission Continues ( Great organization out of St. Louis, founded by an Iraq vet, they provide paide "Fellowships" to vets working in service, carrying on a sense of mission. Highly recommended.
*MyVetWork ( [social web community for veterans, families and supporters established 11.9.08.
*Mosaic Multicultural Foundation ( Michael Meade's organization
*National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV) (
*National Military Family Association ( [NMFA “will respond to the needs of military families and work towards sustaining a firm foundation of support for military families - the Nation’s families.”
*National Veterans Foundation (; 1-888-777-4443, 9 AM-9 PM daily, Pacific Standard time) To Serve the crisis management, information and referral needs of all U.S. Veterans and their families.
*National Veterans Legal Services Program ( Veterans Benefits - Medical ...Legal information and assistance for veterans, survivors of veterans and veterans advocates who are seeking service- related VA benefits – primarily claims for disability.
*No Soldier Left Behind ( - program out of Portland, OR in support of vets, benefits, discharge status, etc. Mission:
To Promote Success and Healing within the Veteran Community. Excellent group.
*Not Alone ( Great site, stories, interviews, resources. (We did an interview with them last year, in their archives).
*One Freedom ( [“Creating reintegration solutions for our military service members, families and communities.”
*Operation Family Fund (; 760-375- 8067; fax 760-793-054. [“To assist the injured and families of the those who have been injured or killed as a part of the Global War on Terrorism, whether domestic or abroad, military or civilian, with financial grants for transitioning to their new circumstances and achieving financial self-sufficiency.
*Operation Homefront ( [A resource library, resource information and special projects dedicated to the service men and women from Illinois.]
*Operation Mom ( We support one another, assist one another, and meet the special needs all of us are having or soon will experience, no matter what branch of service our loved one is in.
*Operation Silver Spurs ( [“Operation Silver Spurs. Horses Helping Veterans.
*Operation Vets ( [“Created to serve as a support network for military veterans, their families and civilian supporters to ease the transition from soldier to civilian, provide assistance to military families and educate the general public – dedicated to “truly leaving no veteran behind on the home front.” Includes vet outreach, student vet support, peer support, resource guide.”
*Our Military Kids ( [“Provides tangible support to the children of deployed and severely injured National Guard and Military Reserve personnel through grants for enrichment activities and tutoring that nurture and sustain the children during the time a parent is away in service to our country.
*Outdoor Odyssey ( program of outdoor-based activities for healing war and military trauma.
*Patience Mason’s PTSD Blog. ( [“”A blog about the realities of PTSD in the current situation.” Strong minded woman, wife of a Vietnam Vet, she tells it like it is, and its a very good resource for articles on PTSD, etc.
*Patriot Outreach
“Provides grants (at no cost) to Military Warriors, Veterans, Retirees, Government Civilians, Battlefield Contractors and their Families . . . provides confidential (private) materials . . . for dealing with anger, anxiety, stress, pain, fear, depression, combat stress, PTSD . . . assists in distributing important News, Updates and Government Reports affecting the health and well being of our nation’s Warriors and Patriots.”
*Phoenix House, NYC. At Phoenix House, a leading nonprofit provider of substance abuse services since 1967, our programs meet the needs of each individual client, and we are known for a willingness to embrace new research-tested treatment methods and practices. We provide a range of services for current and former members of the military and their families.
*Proud Patriots, Inc. ( [“Proud Patriots, Inc. sends care packages, cards and letters to servicemembers.
*PTSD Anonymous ( [“PTSDA: Veterans talking with veterans – you are not alone. A future network of local support groups.” (Ft. Lewis Area)
*PTSD Foundation of America ( [“Our Mission To meet the needs of our troops and their families through a concerted effort by developing a “Corps of Compassion” (comprised of churches and other caring organizations, armed with expanded resources and training), which reach out to meet the needs at a personal relationship level.
*PTSD Worldwide.( [“ Founded in 2009, PTSD Worldwide is non-profit organization comprised of veteran volunteers who are committed to guiding our nation's soldiers on their path to living a productive and fulfilling life after combat. PTSD Worldwide signature characteristic is its combat veteran volunteers who mentor, advise and assist other veterans suffering from post traumatic stress (PTSD).
*Rebuild Hope ( We operate a national online financial support network that enables individual Americans to financially assist the families of veterans and active members of the military who were severely injured during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan when unexpected economic problems impede their efforts to build healthy and stable civilian lives.
*Resources for U.S. Troops and Veterans, Their Families, and Those Who Provide Services to Them (
*Returning Veterans Project ( Returning Veterans Project is a nonprofit organization comprised of politically unaffiliated and independent health care practitioners who offer free and confidential* services to veterans and their families of past and current Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns. Our volunteers include mental health professionals, acupuncturists, naturopaths, chiropractors, physicians, massage therapists, and other complementary health care providers. Oregon and S. Washington.
*Salute Heroes ( Provides links to Grants for Veterans, Veterans Administration, Veteran Loans, Veteran Benefits, Financial Help, Kids Camps, and Emergency Management.
*Samaritan Village, Inc. (138-02 Queens Blvd, Briarwood, NY 11435. Toll free: 1-800-532 HELP. Tel. 718.206-2000. Samaritan Village has several locations in New York state. Offers residential, outpatient and methadone to abstinence treatment, as well as homeless services, alternatives to incarceration and veterans services.
*Semper Fi Fund (
*Service Women's Action Network (SWAN) - Eli Painted Crow's organization, dedicated to women in the service. Also see Turtle Women Rising (Eli's other orgainzation)
*Sesame Street (; Offers a free download of their “Coming Home” video. “ ‘Coming Home’ is geared to both the military community and public at large and is an extension of the Sesame Workshop’s “Talk, Listen, Connect: Deployment, Homecomings, Changes” outreach kit which provides support and resources for families experiencing deployment, multiple deployments, or changes due to combat-related injury.
*Society of Military Widows ( [“The Society of Military Widows (SMW) was founded in 1968 by Theresa (Tess) Alexander to serve the interests of women whose husbands died while on active military duty, of a service-connected illness, or during disability or regular retirement from the armed forces.
*Soldiers Angels [; National HQ: 1792 E. Washington Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91104; Monday - Friday 8-5 PST; Phone: 626-529-5114; Fax: 626-529-5446; Voice Mail: (615) 676-0239.]. [“Volunteer-based nonprofit, we have over 30 different teams supporting all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces. Through special projects, dedicated teams and individuals supporting our troops.
*Soldier’s Heart ( [“Soldier’s Heart is a veterans’ return and healing project addressing the emotional needs of veterans, their families and communities. Soldier’s heart promotes and guides community-based efforts to heal the effects of war based on strategies presented in War and Soul.”
*The Soldiers Project ( “We are a group of licensed mental health professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and marriage and family therapists) who are offering free psychotherapy to any member of the military who has been in OIF/OEF. We offer free therapy to any member of their extended family (girlfriends, boyfriends, children, spouses, parents, grandparents), for deployment- related issues, prior to, during or following deployment. We also offer free therapy for bereaved families.
*Solomon PTSD Recovery Project ( [Founded by Stephanie Laite Lanham: “. . . serves United States Active Duty Military and Veterans in their recovery from service related Post Traumatic Stress . . . also serves their family members and treatment providers.
*Special Operations Warrior Foundation ( [“Mission Statement: The Special Operations Warrior Foundation provides full scholarship grants and educational and family counseling to the surviving children of special operations personnel who die in operational or training missions and immediate financial assistance to severely wounded special operations personnel and their families.”
*Spouse to Spouse. Blog. (Http:// Includes a section on “spouses help other spouses” and a male military spouse wanting to start dealing with other male military spouses.
*Student Veterans of America (; 866.320.3826). [“Student Veterans of America (SVA) is a coalition of student veterans groups from college campuses across the United States.
*Support Americas Armed Forces ( [“Support America’s Armed Forces was established to support the health, welfare, and morale of deployed troops, military personnel and their families, while operating as a 501(c)(3), under the Pierce Military Business Alliance.
*Support for Our Soldiers ( [“Our organization was created to both raise the funds necessary to support well-deserving Veterans Organizations, as well as to invoke a movement to renew a sense of patriotism and brotherly love—to unite, raise awareness, educate, inspire and embrace our great nation.
*Surviving Deployments [] [Info and resources for military families, to include: “Starting High School in a New Town; Deployment Extensions; Preparing for Unseen Emergencies; Patriotism for Kids; Can't Sleep? Are You Breathing? Holiday Cheer - 10 Tips for Helping Kids at Holidays; Happiness After Homecoming; Kids and Journaling; Financial Frontlines; Budgeting for Deployment; Celebrating the Holidays; Preparing to Say Goodbye; Helping Children Handle Deployment”
*Swords to Plowshares ( [One of the oldest, multi-faceted vets’ advocacy and service organizations. provides counseling and case management, employment and training, housing, and legal assistance to more than 1500 homeless and low-income veterans annually in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. Fantastic organization and one of the first!
*Timber Creek Bulldogges (www.timbercreekbulldogges) - Ken Kraft and wife Brenda donate Battle Buddy Dogges to wounded veterans. Fantastic people, great program.
*Today’s GI Bill ( [The American Council on Education launched this Web site in November 2009 to help veterans learn about the new education benefits available to them, the college selection process, and how to succeed in higher education. The site received support from the Lumina Foundation for Education.
*Traumatologist Forum ( The purpose of the Forum is to facilitate communication among professionals who study or help the traumatized.” This list serve is a wonderful forum for dialogue among traumatologists, to include receiving great information from throughout the country about trying to locate trauma therapists with specific areas of expertise, and for leads about state-of-the-art developments in trauma-focused treatments, written materials available, etc.
*Troops Need You ( [“Welcome to Troops Need You, where you can become a Battle Buddy by directly supporting a deployed unit or healing warrior here at home.
*Troop Support (TroopSupport.Com). This is an excellent web site that also lists a number of relevant resources.
*United Warrior Survivors Foundation ( [“The United Warrior Survivor Foundation (UWSF) was established as an organization exclusively dedicated to serving the needs of the surviving spouses of Navy, Army, Air Force and Marine Corps Special Operations personnel killed in the line of duty since September 11, 2001.
*U.S. Veterans Corps ( USVC Objective: To aid local Veterans, Reservist, National Guard, and Active Duty servicemen and women.
* USA KIA/DOW Family Foundation (USAKIA). ( USAKIA’s Mission Statement: The USA KIA/DOW Family Foundation (USAKIA) is here to increase ability to demonstrate the strength of families with killed in action (KIA) or died of wounds (DOW) while in our U.S. Armed Forces. Contact Information: USA KIA/DOW Family Foundation (USAKIA) P.O. Box 720123, San Jose, CA 95172 Phone: (408) 954-8280.
*USA Together ( [‘How it works. USA Together brings together injured service members who need assistance as they recover with the people who want to help them.
*Valley Forge Village: a project of the Partrick McCaffrey Foundation ( a project of the Patrick McCaffrey Foundation, provides a community for veterans, our military, and their families to heal, learn new skills, and develop quality of life.
*VET (Veterans Employment Transition) Foundation ( [“Fight, Win, Live! Although only three simple words, they are the essence of what we teach at the VET Foundation. VET Foundation was started by veterans for veterans trying to make the transition from military to the civilian world.
*Vet Friends ( [“Helping military veterans reconnect.” Over 1,088,681 Veterans & Military have joined!
*Vet Jobs ( [“makes it easy for employers to reach and employ all the members of the military community
*Vet Speak ( “Speaking truth to power. It’s time to bring them home . . . exists to publish and distribute the crucial voices and perspectives of America’s military veterans in print, online and on disc.” Includes VetSpeak Blog and Winter Soldier.”
*Vet to Vet (Moe Armstrong, founder, [Veterans talking to veterans about their emotional and mental problems. The veteran-led meetings are based on a partnership with the VA mental-health system. The main focus is on the unique experience of veterans, and how they can learn to live with problems posed by mental illness and/or addiction.
*Vet Wives ( WOMEN'S only group. links to veterans’ sites, PTSD sites, poetry, stories about veterans, Links to Veterans Chat Rooms, etc.
*The Veteran Eagle ( “The Veteran Eagle is a newsletter for veterans, transitioning military, their family members and friends and supporters of VetJobs.
*Veteran Love and Appreciation ( /American Love and Appreciation Fund 930 Washington Ave. Miami Beach, FL 33139 phone: 305-673-2856 Fax: 866-777-9431)
*Veteran Women Program (VWP) ( Roxeanne Boose, VWP Coordinator, 360.696.8417) Services include: job search, job tools, interview skills, education and training, mentoring and coaching, job placement or shadowing, removal of barriers to employment.” Located in Vancouver, WA (Clark County).
*Veterans and Families Coming Home ( [“Our Mission: To help our Veterans get home both mentally and emotionally.
*The Veterans Corporation ( [National Veterans Business Development Corporation, P.O. Box 220, Oxford, Maryland 21654,, (202) 349-0860 Helpdesk. “Our Vision: To provide Veterans and Service-Disabled Veterans with access to the tools required to become successful in business.
*The Veterans of the Vietnam War. and the Veterans Coalition Inc. ( Today, VVnW is comprised of 90 posts worldwide sustaining the mission of the organization. VVnW continues to strive through its many programs to maintain, improve, preserve and defend the quality of life of all veterans and their families. 1-800-VIETNAM
*Veterans Homestead ( Our mission is to provide medical, psychological, and spiritual care to Veterans who are diagnosed with a terminal illness, elderly, disabled, or otherwise in need.
*Veterans Sanctuary [24 S. 5th Street, Allentown, Pa. 18101 610.439-8479] [“A 60 bed inpatient non- hospital, variable length, addiction, co-occurring disorders and PTSD treatment center serving Veterans and their Families.
* (independent, grassroots publication founded as a quarterly publication dedicated to all Veterans past and present and a monthly newspaper distributed nationally to VA facilities, outpatient clinics, Vet Centers, VSO's, elected officials and individual subscribers);
*Veterans for Peace - Self explanatory, connected with the IVAW also.
*Veterans Legal Assistance ( [One of if not the oldest and most active non-profit organizations providing expert legal assistance, consultation and information regarding veterans issues]
*Veterans Resource Guide John T. Powers [lots of resource information; J.T. Powers obviously put a lot of effort into his resource guide - so google it, go to the pdf, especially good for student vets.
*Veterans Village ( [“VVSD has served all veterans since 1981 and is dedicated to "Leave No One Behind." With five locations throughout San Diego County, VVSD is the only program of its kind in the United States and is nationally recognized as the leader in serving homeless military veterans.
*Voices of War. Stories from the Veterans History Project (Experiences of War) [Rich compendium of personal narratives of veterans of different wars]
*War Experience Project ( A totally cool program, using paint, uniforms, creativity and catharsis with vets. “Visualizing the burden”. Check this guy out.
*Warrior Gateway ( [The Warrior Gateway is designed to eliminate the information barriers that keep members of the military community from connecting with the resources that they need.
*Websites for Heroes ( Website to help active-duty Service members and their families stay connected by providing them with their own personalized, secure, password-protected website.
*Welcome Home Warrior ( [Founded by Donna Finicle, Welcome Home Warrior's mission is to serve the veterans of Afghanistan and Iraq and their office is in Woodland Park, Colorado. WHW “currently produces a free workshop series, Coming Home/Going Forward. These workshops are for veterans and their families, students, therapists, ministers and counselors.”
*What Everyone Leaving the Military Should Know ( [“This publications stands to provide veterans, and those soon-to-be veterans, with a wealth of information gathered from personal and professional experiences and valuable research.
* Women Veterans of America ( [“A voice for women who have and are serving in the Armed Forces. An advocate for women veterans’ rights, issues and benefits.
*Women Veterans. The American Legion Guide. [“Guide for Women Veterans:,
*Wounded Warrior Project ( [one of the largest and most successful community-based organizations serving veterans and their families; see also: Wounded Warriors Family Support; Wounded Warriors Wives Project]
*Yellow Ribbon America ( [“. . . founded in February of 2003 as a non- partisan, national grassroots effort to unite all Americans to directly help our nation’s military members and their families.
*Zero-to-Three ( [Parenting information and resources with special literature for military families] Note: Good, practical information in easy-to-understand language.